1. Identify one or two risks your project is encountering and strategies that might mitigate them
• Risk 1: Due to time constraints and meeting deadlines, our group may be forced into a position that does not allow us to fully research the most effective means of developing a functional lighting system to prevent future runway incursions.
• Mitigation: The deadline cannot be pushed back, so we need to collectively get together to ensure we are up-to-date on the current research in this area
• Risk 2: Another risk we may encounter is “reinventing the wheel.” With all the research and designs that are presently being tested, it will be difficult to create a system unique to those that are currently being investigated.
• Mitigation: Since we determined our population (airports with ATC towers), we need to focus on research for lighting systems in same/similar airports. Gathering data from a defined sample population should make research more condensed.
2. Coordination and process breakdowns are described in the ValuJet article. How might these system vulnerabilities have been discovered and addressed prior to serious incident or failure? What risk management approach might you take if you were responsible for the system?
*Paper attached The catastrophic ValuJet 592 plane crash shocked the world. With over 100 people killed, the impact on the airline industry and its customers were far reaching. The investigation unveiled breakdowns in the coordination and the processes involved prior to its final departure. If these system vulnerabilities were discovered and addressed prior to their ultimate epic failure, this incident may have been avoided altogether. Plan risk management, analyzing the potential risks, and ensuring proper documentation are some examples of items that could have implemented prior to this devastating disaster. Theoretically, one can assume the airline industry’s top priority it safety, but that is
References: Haskins, C, Forsberg, K., Krueger, M., Walden, D., & Hamelin, R.D. (2010). INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook, version 3.2 (Report No. INCOSE-TP-2003-002-03.2). Retrieved from INCOSE website: SE Handbook 2010-0201 v3.2 Updated Final 8.5x11.pdf Langewiesche, W. (March 1998). The lessons of ValuJet 592. The Atlantic Monthly Online. Retrieved 17 Oct 2010 from http://www.theatlantic.com.