(LET1 317.1.5-03-05)
The corporation being looked at in this paper started as a commercial printing company and expanded into many other services such as digital printing, mailing services and other fulfillment services. The company has always had very satisfied customers because of its knowledgeable staff, creative methods and their strong desire to work together as a team. Within the last 5 years the company fell upon some hard times where they were losing millions of dollars a year and had their stock price drop severely. The company has recently risen to a new level due to the efforts of Executive A their CEO of the last 3 years. Within the first six months of being appointed CEO, Executive A was able to increase the stock value of the company over 125% and post a profit. Executive A is very driven, ambitious and solely focused on the success of the company. He does not like attention and usually gives the credit for the company’s success to his management team. Executive A always accepts responsibility for less than perfect results and loves to help develop strong leaders in the company. Clearly Executive A has inspired his management team and employees to rise above themselves to reach new heights and see the same vision that he has. All of these attributes make Executive A an outstanding Level 5 leader. Companies with Level 5 CEO’s; leaders who are humble yet profoundly driven, provide vision, instill pride in their employees because they care and coach them on a personal level, stimulate careful problem solving techniques and encourage everyone to see the vision are the ones that can stand the test of time and elevate the company to new levels. Within the next 2 years Executive A is planning to retire, leaving the company in the hands of either Leader B or Leader C. Leader B is a strong candidate to fill the vacancy when Executive A retires. He has worked closely with the CEO and agrees with the ideas and