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Compare and Contrast Essay Mc Donalds vs Bk
By nicolled, April 2011 | 2 Pages (479 Words) | 4024 Views
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Cheese Burger
McDonald’s vs. Burger king
Everyone love’s hamburgers (unless they’re vegetarians), in America more than 130 hamburgers are sold by second. In Ecuador we have 2 big representative brands of American’s hamburgers, burger king and McDonalds, they offer a huge variety of hamburgers, sandwiches, salads and desserts, but they are both known because of their cheeseburger, which is a sandwich consisting in a cooked ground meat with cheddar cheese in a sliced bread roll.
When we walk into any these restaurants we usually find many people eating a regular size or big size hamburger with a huge soda and French fries, with many suggestions telling “99 cents cheeseburger” and other catchy suggestions.
This doesn’t happen just in Ecuador, it happen around the world specially in America, and the only reason we can find the same scene in any McDonalds or Burger king restaurant is because people look for a quick delicious and cheap meal.
Synonym of cheap and quick is “junk food” and it is exactly the term that defines McDonalds and Burger king cheeseburger. When you travel around the world you will find McDonalds or Burger king cheeseburger is exactly the same flavor and it is because everything pass through a freezing proses which make the food loses all its nutrients. Junk food