Letter in response to article on pornography published 1st March, Daily Mail.
Dear Mrs Bel Mooney,
I am writing in response to your article published in the Daily Mail on March 1st 2013, about online pornography. My concerns about the quality of journalism in this article has prompted me to write and express these concerns; namely that your writing is over-opinionated, misleading and actually quite irresponsible. Although persuasive in some ways your article contains many flaws. In your opening remarks you try to force the reader into sympathizing with your point of view, but your methods are transparent. Your point of view is continuously expressed throughout the article, often being presented as fact rather than opinion. For example, “successive governments have ducked dealing with the pernicious effects of pornography”, is written with much conviction, but very little substance. As a whole the article contains very few facts about the effects of pornography on teenagers.
Furthermore, many of your judgements are irrelevant, particularly when you attack prominent political figures such as David Cameron. You attack David Cameron as though he has power enough to ban pornography overnight, which is irrational. The government have far more important issues to consider and so although they may not be able to “sleep at night”, any sleepless nights will be filled with national crisis’ in comparison to the so called “horrifying flood or internet pornography that poisons, pollutes and corrupts impressionable young minds”. Unfortunately David Cameron doesn’t have the power to ban pornography outside of the UK let alone in the UK overnight. Essentially, if you try and ban pornography it will only find another illegal route to the web.
Your assertive style is most persuasive in the final section of the article. For instance, you offer a warning saying “the whole fabric of civilized people” will fall apart. This is also used as