Petite Soufriere
Commonwealth of Dominica
17th January 2014
The Manager
Dominica Solid Waste Management
Federation Drive
Commonwealth of Dominica
Dear Sir
I wish to express how disappointed I am in the garbage collection schedule in my community. The collection of garbage is a necessity in every community which must not be ignored or toyed with. For the past two week period, there has been a great inconsistency in the dates of garbage collection as well as the times that our garbage has been picked up in the past. This sudden change in the collection schedule has greatly altered our small community’s general routine as there has been an alarming increase in rodents and pests, very unsightly garbage disposals and a growing rate of stray dogs in the area.
Firstly, the startling growth of pests is something which should definitely be dealt with on a rather serious note. Residents must take the initiative in cleaning out disposal units as the scare of diseases is very threatening. Though this practice has gone on for some time now, it is hard to be persistent in clearing all the rubbish by ourselves as the garbage simply keeps piling up over what was once cleaned. This practice is something which many villagers are complaining about and are greatly troubled by as they are aware of the dangers allocated with these pests and are certainly concerned about their health and the health of those visiting the community.
Similarly to this situation, there is the topical issue of stray dogs roaming the community and making the garbage disposal units a home for themselves. These animals have taken up many of the vacant areas which were only made open for our units and are now intent on staying due to the abundance of ‘food’ laid before them on a daily basis. Usually on mornings when there was no