Even though Pho argued that “I have always been taught that superior men should consider the care of the people as fundamental; who has ever heard of men who were loyal to their king but forgot the people's aspirations?” Phan argued that he placed the responsibility for the suffering of the Vietnamese people on the French. Phan died years later of dysentery while still fighting the French. Even though these men were childhood friends from the same village, they had opposite views of the French Colonizers. Pho agreed with phan that he was correct and righteous in his loyalty to the dynasty and says in his letter to him that “ your courage and loyalty have grown.” Reading about imperialism and thinking about whether it has helped the world and all the countries it is
Even though Pho argued that “I have always been taught that superior men should consider the care of the people as fundamental; who has ever heard of men who were loyal to their king but forgot the people's aspirations?” Phan argued that he placed the responsibility for the suffering of the Vietnamese people on the French. Phan died years later of dysentery while still fighting the French. Even though these men were childhood friends from the same village, they had opposite views of the French Colonizers. Pho agreed with phan that he was correct and righteous in his loyalty to the dynasty and says in his letter to him that “ your courage and loyalty have grown.” Reading about imperialism and thinking about whether it has helped the world and all the countries it is