In “The Treaty of Berlin” he was promising to take care of the Natives and help with well being. However, in George Washington Williams “Letter to King Leopold”, it states,“Your Majesty Government has never spent one franc for educational purposes, nor instituted any practical system of industrialism.” (George Washington Williams). Leopold manipulated the Natives by saying he was going to make hospitals but they ended up being in a dusty nasty shack which most likely made the Africans a lot more sick, he claimed he was going to spend money on education but that didn’t turn out well,instead he burned down buildings and destroyed people and their belongings all for natural resources. If king Leopold really ‘cared for his people’ he wouldn’t have put them through so much stress from the beginning he was telling them even when he was trying to cross to get to Africa that he was going to make things better and for them and they were waiting but little did they know that wasn’t going to happen he was using them for what they had and caused lots of damage too, Leopold also forced them to give up their land. King Leopold didn’t help out the Natives like he stated he really just came there and took over everything, killed many people, for their resources and
In “The Treaty of Berlin” he was promising to take care of the Natives and help with well being. However, in George Washington Williams “Letter to King Leopold”, it states,“Your Majesty Government has never spent one franc for educational purposes, nor instituted any practical system of industrialism.” (George Washington Williams). Leopold manipulated the Natives by saying he was going to make hospitals but they ended up being in a dusty nasty shack which most likely made the Africans a lot more sick, he claimed he was going to spend money on education but that didn’t turn out well,instead he burned down buildings and destroyed people and their belongings all for natural resources. If king Leopold really ‘cared for his people’ he wouldn’t have put them through so much stress from the beginning he was telling them even when he was trying to cross to get to Africa that he was going to make things better and for them and they were waiting but little did they know that wasn’t going to happen he was using them for what they had and caused lots of damage too, Leopold also forced them to give up their land. King Leopold didn’t help out the Natives like he stated he really just came there and took over everything, killed many people, for their resources and