To this day, your very words play through my head constantly. ¨Didn't firemen prevent fires rather than stoke them up and get them going?¨ (Bradbury 38). I don't know what I was thinking and after you made that comment, I questioned myself a lot. Now that I think back, Captain Beatty typically avoided the topic of why we were burning books but immensely emphasised it. I never thought much of it but most days I just wanted to go to work, get paid, and leave. The money was good and that's why I stayed. After a while, I began to feel really curious and started to investigate what was in these books myself. I gathered so many books to the point where I began to feel paranoid that Mildred or Beatty would find out. But I was willing to take that risk. I needed to find out the secrets to the books. …show more content…
I told myself I wasn't going to go to work until I found out more information.
I kept my promise, I didn't go to work, and Captain Beatty showed up at my house because of it. I was hoping he wasn't aware of the books I possessed, but he knew. Surprisingly he didn't fire me or burn my books then and there. Instead, he told me that many other firemen go through a phase of curiosity when it comes to books. He then went on to explain the reason for burning books and it was to avoid offending anyone of the contents that may be included in them. He gave me permission to continue to reading the books but return them the next day. I spent the rest of that night reading
From the day I met you, I felt this sudden connection with you. When you grabbed the dandelion and put it under your chin, I was very confused. If it rubs off, it means I´m in love.¨ (Bradbury 25). When It didn't rub off for me, I tried to find a reason as to why it didn´t. Truly I didn't know. All that time I believed I was in love. I mean...I was married after all. Mildred attempting to commit suicide didn't help either. You were the only one I felt like I could talk to. Besides, Mildred was too busy looking at her TV screens all day, she didn't have time for me.
As you can see, you were an enormous part of my life in many aspects. You changed my life for the better by making me realize what I was doing in my job wasn't so right after all. I made a change in society and my life and I can't thank you enough for that. I wish you were still here so I can tell you all of this directly, but with the unfortunate circumstances that´s not possible. All in all, you're truly missed.