Dear Tammy and Edward, Frist of all I would like to congratulate you on your new engagement. I am truly honored for you to ask my advice on interpersonal communication for your relationship. Throughout this letter, I will cover various aspects of communication and basic principles. Hopefully this information will not only help you with your communication with one another, but with others as well. The best advice I can give you is to keep your communication with one another open, and to always explore each other’s minds. For your relationship to have an effective amount of interpersonal communication, you must apply the various principles of interpersonal communication. Interpersonal communication is defined as being the …show more content…
You may find it easier to have a conversation with a stranger than with your spouse. Don’t be alarmed when this happens. It can happen to the best relationships. Communication is not just exchanging words with one another. It’s much more than that. Communication is the process in which we share information, ideas, and feelings. (Sole, K.)(2011). One great article to read is Can we talk? Researchers talks about the role of communication in marriage by Schoenberg. The article states that many married couples believe they are communicating with one another, but find out it’s not enough. Tammy and Edward, it is important not only to talk about everyday things with one another, but to also share your feelings, fears, perceptions and doubts with one another. Researchers have shown that couple who already disclose these things with one another are happily married. (Schoenberg, N.)(1011). Orchich states that one way to maintain a healthy amount of communication is to set aside ten minutes a day for casual communication. (Schoenberg, N.)(2011). This can be a great way to keep the communication level alive. It is also a good way for you to share your inter most personal …show more content…
They are verbal and nonverbal. Nonverbal communication is another thing you should always remember as well. Just because you didn’t say it doesn’t mean your action didn’t imply it. Nonverbal communication is the way you can disclose emotion with what you are trying to say. (Demand Media, Inc.). You can say a lot without actually saying any words at all. Nonverbal communication involves facial expressions, eye contact, body language, gestures and other visual and vocal means of transmitting information. These simple things could be misunderstood. It is the most important aspect to face to face interactions. (Sole, K.)(2011). When starting my interpersonal communication class, I was familiar with nonverbal communication. Now that I am, I can see where my mother would always tell me that I was sending the wrong message. So, not only do you have to watch what you say, but you need to watch how you say