Jerome Schroder Step 1: Grasp the text in their town- In Paul’s letter to the Galatians, He is telling them to allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide them in everything they do. In verse 17, he goes on to tell them that if they would only listen and follow the Holy Spirit then they will not be doing what their sinful nature desires. We as humans have a natural inclination to sin, so instead of doing things God’s way, we do things ours. Paul goes on to tell the Galatians that they have the freedom to either serve one another or serve sin. The freedom to sin is no freedom at all because then you become a slave of your own sinful desires. Paul later is explaining to the Galatians that if they choose to not follow …show more content…
Just as it was back then, everyone is tempted by the desires of the flesh but if we allow the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us, then those temptations we are faced with each and every day will not be carried out. The second theological principle is the ongoing war between our flesh and the Holy Spirit. In verse 17, Paul is saying to the Galatians that their sinful nature and the power of the Holy Spirit are in constant conflict with each other. In other words, the mind was telling the body to do whatever it wanted which would eventually lead to destruction while the Holy Spirit was trying to lead them down the path of righteousness. As mentioned in step 2, the Holy Spirit is the same today as He was yesterday but in today’s society, we need the Holy Spirit more than ever. Since the fall of man, many people, and even Christian would try do things their way instead of God’s way. Finally, the third theological principle is mentioned in verse 18 where Paul says, “But if you are led by the spirit, you are not under the law”. The Galatians were probably confused by this because for years the Judaizers were telling them that they had to follow Jewish law in order to be saved. Just like today, we are no longer under the old covenant but rather we are under the new covenant which is only by the grace of God and the blood of Jesus Christ can we be