
Letter Written In 1857 By Elizabeth Barrett Browning

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Letter Written In 1857 By Elizabeth Barrett Browning
In a letter written in 1857 by poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning, readers learn that she wants Napoleon III to pardon a French writer (Victor Hugo) after he constructed writings that deemed critical of the French Government. To express her argument to Napoleon, she used anecdotes, juxtaposition, and tone to try and change the ruler’s mind.

First of all, Browning gives a simple anecdote between lines 12 and 27 to show her opinions on the matter. She says “not for myself… reading with wet eyes and swelling heart… great poet of France, guardian of her glories not leave him out”. (Browning) The author gives off a very sad vibe and used this to convey the fact that everyone misses this man. She says that she isn’t doing this for herself, but rather for his majesty, therefore making her argument more interesting to Napoleon, because he might benefit from this. It also takes the level of threat Browning might show way down, which would have taken the leader off guard. It is very obvious in this section of text that Browning is trying not to offend Napoleon, and this tones down the severity of the letter. She also brings in the fact that having Hugo as a writer in France is a great honor to the country, and that he shouldn’t be left out of its
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She says “he may exult to recall that his imperial father was great enough! Overcome this great poet with magnanimity” (Browning). She says this to make Napoleon think of his own child, and brings the idea that he could leave a lasting image on his son by just simply letting that writer back into the country. This would have greatly affected Napoleon's mind, because it would have brought the most important thing he had to his mind, his son. By bringing the ones Napoleon loves into the picture, Browning is making Napoleon give an honest thought to the matter, and forces him to seriously consider the implications of his choices on the matter at

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