Letters to God is based on the true story of Tyler Doherty, who was played in the film by Tanner Maguire. Parts of the story are real, and others were fictionalized, such as the character of a drunken mailman named Brady McDaniels (Jeffrey Johnson), who receives Tyler's "letters to God." The film was released to theaters on April 9, 2010, with mixed reviews. Despite opening at #10 at the box office, it fell just $150,000 short of its $3 million budget with a final gross of $2.85 million.
Robyn Lively as Maddy Doherty
Jeffrey Johnson as Brady McDaniels
Tanner Maguire as Tyler Doherty
Bailee Madison as Samantha "Sam" Perryfield
Michael Bolten as Ben Doherty
Maree Cheatham as Olivia
Ralph Waite as Mr. Perryfield
Brendan Doughtie as Justin McDaniels
Karley Scott Collins as Ashley Turner
Letters to God is a 2010 Christian drama film directed by David Nixon and starring Robyn Lively, Jeffrey Johnson, Tanner Maguire, Michael Bolten and Bailee Madison. The story was written by Patrick Doughtie about his son Tyler, with the screenplay penned by Doughtie, Art D'Alessandro, Sandra Thrift and Cullen Douglas. The story took place in Nashville, Tennessee, but the movie was filmed in the Orlando, Florida area.
Plot Summary
Tyler Doherty (Tanner Maguire) is an 8 year-old suffering from cancer, and with a love for writing and sending letters to God. His local postman, Walter Finley, takes them to his office after work. His boss sees them and instructs Walter to take care of them.
Later Mr. Finley goes on an extended vacation, causing an alcoholic named Brady McDaniels (Jeffrey Johnson) to replace him temporarily. Brady is a regular at the "Bar and Grill" and close to the bartender, Jack. On his first day of work, Brady is bitten by Mrs. Baker's dog, and is confused by the "Letters to God" that he picks up from the Doherty house.
That same day Tyler returns to school after two months of brain