Level 3
Main principles of development:
The main principles of development are: * Physical development – gross and fine motor skills * Communication development * Social development * Emotional development * Intellectual development * Moral development
Sequences of development:
Sequences of development are the order in which children develop; all children follow the same sequence of development but at different rates.
For example the sequence of physical development starting from birth will start with a baby turning his/her head towards a sound - then able to hold their head up independently - sit up with support and reach for objects - start to crawl and sit up independently - begins to stand up holding onto objects and walking around holding onto things.
The sequences carry on throughout life and there are different areas of development in which sequences occur.
How development and learning are interconnected:
Babies and children are learning from you all the time, a good example to explain this would be if a baby isn’t spoken to often then that baby will lack in their communicational skills in the future were as a baby who is interacted with frequently will learn words and develop communicational skills quicker than a child who isn’t.
Also a child will progress in their moral skills by learning that we don’t snatch toys when they are told that it is wrong to snatch and that we wait until that child is finished playing with it then you are welcome to have it. And if you turn it round a child will learn it is right to wait for their turn with a toy instead of snatching when they are praised for doing so.
Rate of development:
All children will follow the same sequence of development but not all at the same time, all children are different. For example not all children will walk before their 1st birthday and not all children will be able to use the