TDA 3.5
Making choices is like any other skill. Unless it is practiced, it will not develop. The choices given should match the skill level of the child. For instance, you might ask whether a child wants to use the puzzles or the blocks. If the child chooses to use the clay instead of either of the choices you have given, that is a choice, too.
There are too many possibilities for giving choices to even list them, but here are some examples: Do you want to wear your sweater or your jacket? If it is cold outside, you don't give the choice of wearing an outer garment or not, but a choice between what kind of outer garment. Would you like your teddy or your stuffed dog for rest time? This indicates that a rest time will happen, but the child may still choose the cuddly.
Giving children choices allows them to gain some control over their lives. That helps them feel empowered and confident. Adults tend to forget that children can make choices. When children are feeling that they have no control in their lives, they are more likely to have feelings of helplessness or anger.
Children need guidance. They know when something is right or wrong but they don't always know to listen to the voice that is warning them to make a good or right choice. We have to be that voice (conscience) until they can reason for themselves. If we instill the proper values while they are still young they will grow up to be responsible adults.
There are many books on the market that will give you a good idea about the vocabulary of different ages of children. No matter what words you choose to communicate with young children, the most important factor is to talk to them, not at them. They are people with feelings, needs and intellect. Their life experiences are more limited than that of adults but their views are as important as yours. So listening as well as talking is important.
Never talk down to a