Course name: JRSB 470 - Selected Topics In Business
Course section: ELM1
Name: Sanja Peric
Name of instructor: Pan Zhang
Date: June 28, 2013
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................ 2
ANALYSIS.................................................................................................................................... 2 HUMILITY IN A LEVEL 5 LEADER.....................................................................................3 CORPORATE CHANGES IN LEADERSHIP........................................................................5 Kimberly-Clark...................................................................................................................5 Kroger Co..........................................................................................................................7 IMPLICATIONS ON MANAGEMENT.................................................................................9 SOCIAL IDENTITY THEORY............................................................................................. 11 8 COMMON CRITERIA TIED INTO LEADERSHIP.........................................................12 DEVELOPING LEVEL 5 LEADERSHIP.............................................................................13
CONCLUSIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS ...........................................................................14 REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................... 15
The importance in developing greatness and achieving success lies within the ability to carry out Level 5 leadership.
References: Anshuman. (2005, October 22). Blog Spot. Retrieved June 24, 2013, from Blog Spot: Collins, J Collins, J. (2001). Jim Collins. Retrieved June 24, 2013, from Jim Collins: Collins, J Funding Universe. (n.d.). Retrieved June 24, 2013, from Funding Universe: Gibeily, T Hogg, M. A. (2006). Social Identity Theory. In P. J. Burke, Contemporary Social Psychological Theories (pp. 111-112). Standford University Press. International, S. (2010, February 28). Scribd. Retrieved June 26, 2013, from Scribd: Lawrence, P Love, L. F., & Singh, P. (2011). Workplace Branding: Leveraging Human Resources Management Practices for Competitive Advantage Through 'Best Employer ' Surveys. Journal of Business & Psychology; Jun2011, Vol. 26 Issue 2 , 175-181. Martin, M. M. (1999). Trust Leadership. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies Vol.5 No.3 , 41-49. McLeod, S. (2008). Simply Psychology. Retrieved June 26, 2013, from Simply Psychology: Mind Tools Ltd Pedersen, L.-H. (2004). Why is Branding so Important? Fiba Assist , 48. The Kroger Company. (2013). Kroger. Retrieved June 24, 2013, from Kroger: Thill, M Toth, M. (2013, February 28). The Business of HR. Retrieved June 28, 2013, from Young Life Perception Zwiebach, E. (2008, February 11). Supermarket News. Retrieved June 24, 2013, from Supermarket News: