Use the following scale to rate the skills checklist, Please fill in the sheet as accurately as possible so as to get the maximum benefit from the excerise;
Your skill in the area Importance in vocational area
1 unskilled 1 irrelevant
2 very poor 2 unnecessary
3 poor 3 a little relevant
4 passable 4 relevant
5 adequate 5 of some use
6 satisfactory 6 useful
7 good 7 beneficial
8 very good 8 very beneficial
9 excellent 9 valuable
10 outstanding 10 essential
Interpersonal skills My skill Importance Difference in ratings
Able to interact successfully with a wide range of people. Knows how to interpret & use body language 9 …show more content…
7 10
10 -1
Oral communication skills My skill Importance Difference in ratings
Presents information & ideas clearly with content & style appropriate for the audience. Presents opinions & ideas in an open & objective way 10 7 +3
Counselling skills My skill Importance Difference in ratings
Responds to what others have said in a non-judgemental way.
Builds trust & openness in others 9 10 -1
Teaching & training skills My skill Importance Difference in ratings
Able to help others gain knowledge & skills. Able to create an effective learning environment 7 6 +1
Coaching skills My skill Importance Difference in ratings
Gives feedback in a constructive way. Helps others to increase their knowledge or skills 9 10 -1
Financial skills My skill Importance Difference in ratings
Able to keep accurate financial records. Able to manage a budget 6 10 -4 Persuading skills My skill Importance Difference in ratings
Communicates effectively to justify a position or influence a decision. Able to sell products & promote ideas 8 9 -1
Care giving skills My skill Importance Difference in ratings
Able to empathise with others; able to give sensitive care to people who need it 9 10 -1
Computer skills My skill Importance Difference in ratings
Able to use a variety of software programs; knowledge about social media, desk top publishing or web design 10 6 +4
Customer service skills My skill Importance Difference in
Able to build a relationship of mutual trust with clients. Able to handle complaints & concerns in a sensitive way 10 10 0
Planning skills My skill Importance Difference in ratings
Able to plan projects, events & activities; able to establish objectives, needs & options. 10 8 +2
Research skills My skill Importance Difference in ratings
Knows how to find & collect relevant information; able to analyse data, summarise findings & write a report 8 8 0 Write down the skills where you have the highest negative scores:
• Able to keep accurate financial records. Able to manage a budget. (6)
• Able to help others gain knowledge & skills. Able to create an effective learning environment. (7)
• Knows how to find & collect relevant information; able to analyse data, summarise findings & write a report. (8)
Which THREE skills are the most important to address for your vocational area?
1 Able to interact successfully with a wide range of people. Knows how to interpret & use body language.
2 Communicates effectively to justify a position or influence a decision. Able to sell products & promote ideas.
3 Able to build a relationship of mutual trust with clients. Able to handle complaints & concerns in a sensitive way.
How are you going to improve?
For skill 1 – I will connect instantly with someone i.e shake hands. I will also show agreement, mirror expressions and postures.
For skill 2 – I will Develop a listening strategy. Overall, I can personalize my sales process to the client if I listen closely. Use the information to establish a clients pain points, preferences and needs.
For skill 3 – I will practice empathy. Putting myself in the position of another person will allow me to see things from a different perspective. When people feel understood, they tend to be less combative, leading to greater understanding and unity.