1. Understand the features of effective team performance within a health and social care setting
1.1 Explain the features of effective team performance
A team is a group of people working together in a related field to achieve an agreed goal, target or objective. In order to attain the overall goal activities and tasks are shared between the team members with give individuals their roles and responsibilities.
The feature of an effective team performance include the factors that the describe the team structure and the process that enables goal achievement.
Communication :
Communication is a process through which information is passed from an encoder to a decoder through and agreed channel, which has a feed back loop. Given that all enabling conditions that eliminates barriers to effective information or date transition and feedback are in place.
Effective communication is an important feature of an effective team performance, it enable the definition of the problem or overall goal to every members of the team, it also enable communication that define roles and responsibilities of every member and methods of operation, feedback, support and reassessment of team and individual tasks or needs.
An effective team permanence must have a structure, heirachy that enables decision making, delegation of duties, monitoring and motivation channels, support, training and supervision of team members. There must be a chair, leader or manager of the team who takes overall responsibilities and co-ordination of activities.
Team cohesion is important to ensure that communication remain sustainable and effective. Therefore there also has to be a good conflict management plan - process and procedure to eliminate break down in work processes. Definition of roles and responsibilities this enables delegated duties to be clear and monitorable. Every individual is clear