An Undergraduate Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the College of Accounting Education
University of Mindanao
Davao City
Beduya, Hannah Mae V.
Clavite, Mary Crest O.
Patiño, Frederick V.
Reyes, Jestoni A.
April, 2014
This undergraduate thesis entitled “Level of Entrepreneurial Skills among Accounting Technology Students of the University of Mindanao”, prepared and submitted by Hannah Mae V. Beduya, Frederick V. Patiño, Mary Crest O. Clavite and Jestoni A. Reyes, as his contribution in support to the efforts of the University of Mindanao to fulfill its Vision, Mission and Goals.
Prof. Joel Tan, CPA, MBA
PANEL OF EXAMINERS Accepted and approved, after examination in final per requirement of the Accounting 411 subject of the College of Accounting Education, University of Mindanao. Favorably, endorsed for approval to ESTERLINA B. GEVERA, Dean of the College of Accounting Education of the University of Mindanao, Davao City.
Panel Panel
APPROVAL AND ENDORSEMENT SHEET This thesis entitled “Level of Entrepreneurial Skills among Accounting Technology Students of the University of Mindanao” prepared and submitted by Hannah Mae V. Beduya, Frederick V. Patiño, Mary Crest O. Clavite and Jestoni A. Reyes, in compliance with the requirement in Accounting 411 subject of the College of Accounting Education, University of Mindanao, Davao City is hereby accepted and approved..
ESTERLINA B. GEVERA, CPA, MBA President University of Mindanao
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We are giving our outmost gratefulness to the following individuals who in one way or another contributed and extended their valuable assistance in making this research possible: First and foremost, to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for giving
References: Moreover, Lucas and Cooper (2004) believe that experiential learning fosters entrepreneurial self-efficacy. Their research indicates that self-efficacy is a key requirement for entrepreneurial action.