By: yoloswag Year 12 psychology
The objective of this research is to understand the levels of processing memory. Memory storage doesn’t involve a separate number of memories; it is an endless measurement when memory is encoded effortlessly so that it can be retrieved, the deeper the process of information, the higher the chance of it being retrieved. Craik and Lockhart (1972) suggested that stimulus inputs undergo successive processing operations. Early stages of processing are shallow and involve coding the stimulus with its physical features (e.g., DeEp, WatER). Deep processing involves coding the stimulus more abstractly and in terms of its meaning. Therefore, acoustic coding is shallow and semantic coding is deep. There are two types of rehearsing material; maintenance and elaborative rehearsal. Maintenance rehearsal is when you look over something over and over and elaborative rehearsal is when you semantically link it to something therefore making it easier to remember.
Levels of processing are also evident in another research with Elias and Perfetti (1973). Elias and Perfetti gave their participants different tasks to perform on each word list like finding rhymes for a word and finding synonyms for a word. The rhyming task involved acoustic coding and the synonym task involved semantic coding. The participants were not told that they would be asked to try recalling the words on the word list however; they surprisingly did remember some of the words. The participants remembered more words from the synonym task rather than the rhyming task due to the synonym task involving deeper processing. This is called incidental learning.
Another research involving levels of processing is the Hyde and Jenkins (1973) experiment. Different groups of participants performed in one of the five tasks on a word list. The five tasks were; rating the words for