Once the linking of objectives to critical success factors and KPIs has been completed, options for the implementation phase need to be developed considering the gaps that were identified in the SWOT analysis. Steyn & Schmikl (2016) mention that the strategic options are used to select the best options …show more content…
This is done cooperatively by the programme office and the executives of the organisation. The prioritisation process is essential because the limited resources need to be focused on the delivery of the strategies that yield the most results first.
The final step in this process, as defined by Steyn & Schmikl (2016), is the planning of the initiatives. As mentioned above, the strategy includes the “what”, “who” and “when” of each strategy. Steyn & Schmikl (2016) state that the strategies in a prioritised form a programme …show more content…
Kotter as well as other researchers, quoted in Steyn & Schmikl (2016) identified some errors that organisations make during the transformation journey. These errors need to be avoided during the transformation in Levi Strauss. Included in the list is complacency within the organisation. Kotter and his research team state that there should be a sense of urgency and that the initiatives should be prioritised. The leadership of the organisation needs to celebrate quick wins as this is a long journey. Kotter is cited as stating that the employees within the organisation would feel more motivated if they see positive results and are celebrated for the progress made. They also note the importance of not declaring victory too soon as this could lead to deceleration in the drive towards the attainment of vision and mission. With that, the organisation is exposed to the old habits and operating styles eroding all progress