AB Political Science II
Political Science 1: Academic Paper
If being a human has own rights, does it mean that this right could be possibly limited if not eliminated because of societal and religious discrimination? Has this so called “Third Sex” considered as alien by the people and don’t have equal rights in the political world before and even today? Has this claim of sexuality successfully evolved today the same with the heterosexual persons? This paper explains what happened historically, socially and politically about the LGBT to be accepted by the society and in the policy making body of the Philippines. It suggested the expression and stand of the LGBTs on the Pre-colonial days and during the Spanish Era. What influenced them on deciding to break their silence and heed their clamors not just social but political in terms of gender equality, claiming their rights and on the government and how their struggles affected the country. This paper also discussed how they politically evolved and are socially accepted. Third-Genders on the Pre-Colonial Days
Neil Garcia, a prominent gay historian agrees that no specific written reports were recorded during the Spanish colonial days. However, he relied on oral accounts that need further studies about the “third genders” at that time. Women were revered by the society. They were strong in terms of power because they were priestesses and matriarchs. Having the authority to divorce their husband if they like, choose the name of their children, accumulate wealth and owned properties. With that, the so called “somewhat-women” also have the distinction of being highly regarded. They were called as “bayoguin (a bamboo specie) asog, bido, and binabae”. They transformed themselves by donning female’s dress and acting as women, thus they were cross-dressers and gender-crossers. They had crossed the male and female gender lines.
Like women’s reputation, sex-crossers were also
References: Deleon, Hector, S. Philippine Constitution. 2008 Edition. LL.B., University of the Philippines. Philippines; 2008 Garcia, Neil, J http://laws.chanrobles.com. Philippine Laws, Statuses and Codes. Date retrieved October 1, 2012 http://www.congress.gov.ph