Plus, there are no concrete solutions to solving some forms of discrimination or would require a systematic dismantle and repair. Also, discrimination against a certain minority can vary across the planet. For example, those of the LGBTQ community can be denied work, rent or a restroom corresponding to their identity here in the United States ,but in other countries, they could be jailed or killed. Therefore, there is no one solution to aid those people facing hatred. …show more content…
If details of race are not important to the case, then the jury does not need to know those facts. Therefore, making punishment equivalent to the crime instead of being affected by bias. Expand programs that provide jobs or education for released people to incorporate them into society as beneficial citizens and prevent them from entering the system once again. Finally, allow felons to vote and have a voice in their community as that restriction to vote represses the minority ballot.
This doesn't solve all the issues within the system like police brutality, but it’s certainly a start. If our justice system was less flawed, many other dilemmas could be