Women have the right to make their own medical decisions, and should not have the input of the government. According to Fred Lucas, “ Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare. Liberals strongly support a woman's right to choose a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay, and we oppose any and all efforts to weaken or undermine that right.” (Lucas). Basically, Lucas is saying that as a whole liberals believe that the woman has the right to decide what she chooses for herself and the fetus. For the women choosing abortion, it is not an easy decision and they know it is the best decision for themselves and the …show more content…
It is 2016 and some people still do not think that people of the same sex should be able to get married. Conservatives have a different view on same-sex marriage, they believe that marriage should only be shared between a man and a women. In today's world, it is discrimination to not allow a certain group of people to get married because of the gender they fall in love with. Conservatives believe, “Traditional marriage and family, based on marriage between one man and one woman, is the foundation for a free society and has for millennia been entrusted with rearing children and instilling cultural values.” (Anderson). With having this view, they are clearly discriminating against a large group of people. Republicans excuse for not allowing same-sex marriage is, “This belief does not come from a hatred of homosexuals, as many people try to color it, but from a belief that the institution of marriage was set up as such by our founding fathers, and has been defined this way throughout history.” The founding fathers also had slaves, but America changed that a long time ago. People have the right to their own opinion, but they do not have a right to discriminate against a whole group of