The surveillance-type function states that news media provides interpretations of information by sorting through the facts and statistics and by stating out the issues and points in a simple context, of who, what, when, where, why, for the public to make sense with and to form opinions upon. For such, news is the mouth to our ears, stating “Did you know that…”.
The watchdog-type function is an essence to democracy. The public are to know the actions and decisions of the government and all the options formed. The news media is a vehicle for the dissemination of such, having the capacity to hold governments accountable, forcing them to explain their actions and decisions. All such affect the public.
The Propaganda Model was developed by Edward Herman and Noam Chomsky in 1988 in attempts to explain the behaviour of the news media, in particular towards the analysis of the discourse of the powerful to the mass publics. The Liberal Pluralist …show more content…
The empirical analysis is often circumstantial, deriving to fit between the media message and the political interests of the powerful. This perspective focuses on media behaviour rather than media effects, emphasizing that “… the powerful are able to fix the premises of discourse, to decide what the general populace is allowed to see, hear and think about, and to ‘manage’ public opinion by regular propaganda campaigns, the standard [liberal-pluralist] view of how the media system works is at serious odds with reality.” (Herman and Chomsky 1988,