2. The idea behind libertarian free will is that a person has the …show more content…
If God were to exist, it is believed that he would be omniscient, omnipotent and morally perfect. This would mean that he knows all, has power over everything and always has perfect moral decision-making. On the surface, it seems that the existence of evil refutes the existence of God because if God does have all these qualities he could easily rid the world of all-evil, but he doesn’t. Alvin Plantinga’s argument that there is a reason for evil in the world shows that the existence of evil does not refute this idea of God. This argument states that an all-powerful God could allow the existence of evil provided that it is necessary for the attainment of some greater good. This argument shows that there may be compensatory goods in the world, which are goods that can only be appreciated while certain evils endure. This would mean that evil serves a positive purpose in the world to allow for more good, which would not refute the existence of an omnipotent, omniscient, and morally perfect