In today's America.
There are times when justice works …show more content…
For example: military, policeman, and teachers are all types of careers that can be ruined once it comes out that you are gay.While it is true that there should be equality for all, it is not always true due to prejudice. Most people would agree that gays, blacks, etc. should have equal rights as long as its not them that have to deal with it. For instance, a man may tell you that blacks should be treated equally, but then again he would never hire one. So, basically what I'm saying is that "liberty" in the eyes of the law and "liberty" in the hearts of people are not always the same. For the same reason, "justice" is not always carried out equally for the same reason. "Liberty and justice" as concepts are universally agreed upon in this country, but whether they are practiced equally in reality is a different …show more content…
According to all gays and lesbians this was a huge step forward for America's most marginalized community. But what I don't understand is why the show went off the air a season later. After all it was a successful program and got high ratings for a few years, and then as soon as she came out, it was over. Just like that. There are some brave souls out there striving for a world where you can be anyone and anything and still have the right to liberty and justice. Ellen DeGeneres gave up a life of being famous and making millions all to get a lift on the gay and lesbian communities. To me that is an amazing thing. Everybody in the world dreams of being in the shoes she was in at one time, and she gave it all away for her and everyone else in her boots to move one step closer to equality for all. Maybe when people see that there are lots of people out there working hard for this one simple request, just then maybe people will start to realize they are Americans too and what they are fighting for is just as American as what the next person wants. The slogan for America, "Liberty and Justice for all" can be true, for all races and all homosexuals. Every day things get closer, and maybe one day everyone will be considered