Fiction Poem Essay
Liberty University
This poem deals with a man, who believes he has no real self-identification. However, in the midst of his affliction, and the pain of being loss he finds his purpose and most of all his self worth. When reading The Lamb poem, it reminds me of how I felt when I first met the Lord. I felt so alone, as if I had no one to call my own. Then his love was so powerful an amazing that I finaly connected with that inward grace that dwells with in. Then I begin to feel his innocence as of a lamb, just like this poems theme. It is truly something when you first connect with the almighty father, you begin to ask questions just like with in the poem. “Do you know who made you?” That’s when God calls you friend, and then you begin to rejoice for the fact that he meaning the almighty father loved you even when you didn’t know him, he still loved you first. …show more content…
It reminds me of how when God cleanses your heart, and it becomes so transparent. It reminds me of Psalms 51:17 “ The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise.“4 The poet gives a great presentation of the innocence of the lamb, and the Christ that is represented within the lamb. Then the communication is expressed through the joy that is released through the identity of the lamb, when he stated in the poem “Making all the vales rejoice!” When we come to know who God is that is great joy, and praise is released from the depths of our hearts as a child. It reminds me of that scripture that states in Matthew 19:14, “But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of