The root-meaning of the word library is a room or building containing a collection of books for reading. But as there are now circulating or travelling libraries in many countries, the world has undergone a change in its meaning. By the word now indicated a collection of books for reading or reference;
Different kinds of libraries:
There are kinds of libraries personal, public and institutional.
Personal library A personal library is one which belongs to a private person, generally of sufficient means. Such libraries grow out of such person’s taste for knowledge and, sometimes, for fashion. There are, of course, small scale private libraries owned by solvent lawyers, educationists and persons of literary taste. But such libraries contain books on some particular subject or subjects chosen according to the taste and interest of their owners.
Public library A public library is one which is open to the public. In order to cater to the taste and interest of all classes of people, a public library has to contain books on different subjects and varieties. Such libraries may be seen in large numbers in every country. Most of these libraries are managed or subsidized by their states. The British Museum library of London and the Central library of Moscow are instances of public libraries. Again, many such libraries have been set up in England and America by philanthropic people like Mr. Carnegie, the American millionaire. Institutional library An institutional library is one which belongs to an institution such as a university, a college, a school, a chamber of commerce, a club or a governmental department. Such a library is open to the members of the institution concerned and, therefore, generally contains hooks which are needed by them most.
Importance of library