Library is an accumulation of information resources made accessible to a defined community for reference or borrowing. It is intended for used most especially to the students who are financially challenged and can’t afford to buy a book for their research. It is a place where you can find an ample of resources and accurate information to help you become more knowledgeable in many aspects. However, for the student today, going to the library is as sort of time consuming because it needs to search for the card catalogue in order for them to find the book for their research. Now, Information Technology (IT) professionals have come up this study to achieve the goals through the use of the Library Management System(LMS). Library Management System (LMS) is anextensive library management solution that suites for both large and small libraries. Its flexible purpose enables library management system to be installed in a range of library organization, ranging from public libraries, through to academic and special libraries. This Library Management System (LMS) is capable of handling books and periodicals with equal ease, efficiency and fast access.Itusually comprises a relational database, software to interact with that database, and two graphical interfaces (one for Librarian and one for Students).
Library Management System for BSU- Mogchs
And it is separated software functions into discrete programs called modules, each of them integrated with a unified interface. This modules includes: Cataloging (classifying and indexing materials), Circulation (lending materials to librarian and