Library management system (E-Library)
Part 1a. 1. How can a student borrow books? 2. With regards to borrowing of books, is it mandatory/compulsory to create a library account? 3. Is it possible that a student can borrow books for home? 4. Is there any limitation in terms of borrowing of books? What is the maximum number of books that a student can borrow? 5. Is there a penalty for the student with late books returned? 6. How do penalty works? 7. Is the library accepting books from donation? 8. Is the library buying books? 9. What are the other materials/things that a student can borrow inside the library except of books? 10. Is it possible that a student can share his/her account to another student? 11. Can a student search/browse the library’s catalog over the Internet? 12. How can I obtain information about cataloging services that supply standard numbers for publication? 13. What are the cataloging rules does the Librarian using? 14. What types of materials are cataloged at the library? 15. What cataloging-related standards are maintained and developed at the PSU-Urdaneta Library?
Part 1b. 1. What are the library services?
Revised for Q 1: (What are the services that the library renders and offers?) 2. What are the objectives? Rules and regulations? 3. How was the process when a student wants to a book? 4. What are the books that can be borrowed for overnight and not? 5. What are the types of books that are available in the library? 6. If a student lost his/her Library ID, how can he/she borrow books that he/she needs?
Revised for Q 6: (If there is a case that a student might lose his/her account or Library ID, how can he/she borrow books? Do we need to create another account or register another Library ID for the student?) 7. What if the student lost the books that he/she borrowed? 8. For the faculty, how many books can they borrow for overnight and weekends? 9. If the student is from other school and wanted to go to your Library to have some research, what will him/her going to do in present?
Revised for Q 9: (If the student is from other school, will the Library accommodate him/her or allow him/her to borrow books and do some research?)