Keywords: - Soft Skills, Library Professionals, Soft Skills for Library Professionals
We live in an information society where the development of information and communication technologies accompanied by a corresponding increase in knowledge with a rapidly growing flow of information. In this new information environment, library professionals require new skills in seeking, processing and …show more content…
Soft skills play a significant role in one’s success in life, particularly in one’s profession. Moreover the ever changing impact of technology and the style of management pay so much attention to soft skills. Soft skills complement hard skills and facilitate application of one’s knowledge to effective daily work. However, hard skills cannot be replaced with soft skills. Today soft skills are essentials for every profession including library profession to be effective in the new environment. Some of the important soft skills required by library professionals today are as …show more content…
Most activities in library depend to a great extend on how the librarian works in a team environment. The library professionals have to deal with all levels of people from users to the colleague to management to vendors. To deal each of them in the right manner requires good interpersonal skills. In a large library with various departments, it is essential to build a good rapport with all department personnel for the smooth running of the library. The librarian must be able to interact effectively with one another in order to provide an optimal level of services to the users. Teamwork is crucial to the improvement of services, quality, innovations and productivity. Poor interpersonal skills may lead to conflicts between team members. People with this skill know the way to connect with others effortlessly. As a result, interpersonal skills reduce stress and conflict and enhance intimacy and understanding. Having positive interpersonal skills not only enhance the all round productivity of the library services, but also creates a positive environment in the