ITP4502 Software Project Management and Quality Assurance
Planning Phase Report (2014/2015)
Departmental Library System
Leong Ming Yin Henry
Lau Chun Him
Chiu Hin Yiu
Group No:
We declare that this is a group project and that no part of this submission has been copied from any other student’s work or from any other source except where due acknowledgement is made explicitly in the text, nor has any part been written for us by another person.
Contribution to the project (%) (Total 100%)
Leong Ming Yin Henry
Lau Chun Him
Chiu Hin Yiu
Table of Content
1. Introduction
2. Project background and problem
2.1 Study Background
2.2 Description of Problems
2.3 Initial Finding
2.4 Project Proposal
3. Project plan
3.1 Feasibility Analysis
3.2 Project Team Composition
3.3 Project schedule
3.3.1 Task List
3.3.2 Gantt Chart
3.3.3 PERT Chart
3.4 Deliverables
3.5 Software Tools Needed
3.6 Facilities and Hardware Needed
1. Introduction
A library is an organized collection of sources of information and similar resources, made accessible to a defined community for reference or borrowing.1 To keep books in the library neat and tidy, it needs a perfert library system. In the past, the library used to keep records manually. However, handling these service manually librarians may easily forget to record and it cost too many times during recording. So, for the library system nowadays, most of the libraries used a library management system that used to keep tracking on the owned items, orders, paid bills, borrowed books, etc. This system may enhance librarians efficiency and reduce their workload.
The project titled Departmental Library System is a Library management software to monitor and control trancaction in the library. The project is developed in Microsoft Visual that focus on library basic operations like adding new books, adding