The conversation of lice raises eyebrows all around the world but what is a louse? According to Mayo Clinic, a head louse is a small insect that feeds on human blood that it gets from the scalp. The female louse produces eggs that take eight or nine days …show more content…
Mancini, M.D (head of the division of dermatology at Children's Memorial Hospital in Chicago). Hair Fairies and Nit Pixies are two of the most common lice salons. Their main mission is to completely get rid of the lice while keeping the status of an upscale salon. Staff members are trained to find the lice, comb it out, and apply shampoos ad treatments to the patient to help with their infestation. Customers say the best part of these salons is the fact that the workers take away the guilt and shame of having the small insects on the scalp. In order to ensure a spot in one of these salons, call as soon as possible to schedule an appointment with a worker, the faster the treatment, the easier it will be to remove all of the lice. At the sign of an outbreak, these salons book up extremely fast so do not put off calling. The whole family will need to be checked if one child is found with lice, the workers will do a comb through of everyone’s hair ensuring once the lice is gone, it is gone for sure. A week after the first appointment, the client will need to return in order to ensure all of the lice and nits are gone. Another advantage to seeing a professional is seeing how to properly do a comb out, for future