The narrative was basically about the hypocrite Tartuffe and the gullible Orgon and his family . Tartuffe had introduced himself as a highly religious person . Orson , the main man of the household , believed that Tartuffe was the person that the hypocrite claimed to be . In the end , it would be revealed that Tartuffe 's real intentions was to kick Orson and his family out of the house
Moliere had used extreme characters to convey his main theme of hypocrisy . Tartuffe and Orgon are the main characters of the play . In addition to that , they are also definitely the extreme characters in the play . The former is one compulsive manipulator and the latter is an annoyingly passive individual . Tartuffe is such an extreme character that he explicitly expresses his own extremity yes brother , I am evil through and through , guilty , full of iniquity and sin (Moliere act 3 scene 6 . Orgon 's extremity is revealed when he recklessly signs over the whole of his earthly possessions to Tartuffe
The character of Orgon plays a major role in Moliere 's conveyance of his message . In many respects , Orgon becomes the representation of the people of the society . And Tartuffe is the representation of people who are manipulators in the society like corrupt politicians and obsessively puritan religious leaders
The interaction between the gullible Orgon and deceitful Tartuffe is a simple yet effective formulation of how to make hypocrisy surface in the plot . In a sense , Moliere may have purposely designed that the theme of hypocrisy should be obvious