Lies are told every day by you, me, and even your close loved ones. Everyone lies at some point in their lives. The simple true is we all lie. While reading the “Ways We Lie” by Ericsson’s it was very clear that lies are being told more than the truth. She explains many different types of lies being told from the smallest of lies to protect the emotional state of others, to the extreme lies being told and merely ignoring the plain facts of lies that cause real pain.…
To lie or not to lie? We are often faced with this question when stuck in sticky situations. It seems as if lying is our second nature, and that is not a good thing. In the articles “Brad Blanton: Honestly Tell The Truth” by Barbara Ballinger and “Teens Do Their Share of Lying” by Loretta Ragsdell, the authors discuss lying and argue its’ justifiability. I agree with the concept that lying is never acceptable because it is morally wrong.…
I was taught growing up by my parents to always tell the truth even if it came with consequences. We want life to be easy but that’s not…
I think it is good that you shouldn't say anything at all instead of lying, but in the book, this is said to be the cruelest type of lies. Stereotypes create lies because a group of people's actions caused bad things to happen. Some lies are straightforward, and purpose is to avoid the truth all together. It's seems that the author believes lying is important in order to not hurt peoples feelings and to be successful and happy. Being dishonest is a cover-up for pain, hurt, guilt, or ignorance. I don't agree with author in something's that she says. It is true that lying may cover up pain, but the truth will always solve the problem.…
An issue that has been highly controversial regarding honesty has been whether it is ever right to lie. Some people would argue that lying is not always morally wrong. From this perspective, telling a lie can be beneficial because the truth sometimes causes more damage than a lie would. To illustrate, a person might lie about how someone looks so that they are not offended. However, others argue that it is never morally right to lie. Stephanie Ericsson, who maintains this view, argues in her essay “The Ways We Lie” that “When someone lies, someone loses” (425). According to this view, a lie always leads to someone being negatively affected. Therefore, lying is wrong because it always results in someone being harmed. In sum, the issue is whether lying is moral or immoral.…
Lies are commonly told to protect others emotions and their self-esteem, yet lies still are seen as wrong. So why is it so hard sometimes to handle the truth? Isn’t it better to be hearing the truth than being lied to your face? Maybe the problem is not the lies themselves, but we as a people lacking the ability to understand the truth and its effects that it can have. This would require that we learn better ways to resolve conflicts and the capabilities to move on from those situations. We need to question, “Would I rather be deceived right now and have the conflict become worse later, or get it over with right now?” Once we learn the benefits of telling the truth and become capable of understanding these benefits then we will be able to live in a society of complete honesty.…
In the article Brad Blanton: Honestly Tell the Truth written by Barbara Ballinger it states, “yes, but we shouldn’t manipulate the truth except for rare times-if you’re hiding Anne Frank in your attic because her life is in danger.” lying can not only be “beneficial” in ways that when used, may offer an exit out of a difficult situation. In the article Teens Do their Share of Lying by Loretta Ragsdell its states, “becoming a good liar is a necessary life-survival skill.” said Tim. “Sometimes, it’s the only thing between you and a guaranteed beat down from your parents.” As Tim stated, lying can be a necessity, it is something that can even define the thin line between two…
First off let me start of by saying that we lie. We all do. We exaggerate, we leave out things, we avoid confrontation, we try to be inconsideration of other people feelings, we conveniently forget some aspects of the truth and even keep secrets. Like most people, I find myself in situations of small falsehoods and still think of my self of an honest person. Sure I lie, but it’s not really bothering anyone or anything.…
In the article “Brad Blanton: Honestly Tell the Truth” he says that telling the truth can keep a relationship based on reality while also saying that lying keeps people locked their own mind. He states that. “‘ Many people think think they tell the truth, but they don’t because they withhold information. Have the courage to be honest and have a relationship with others based on reality’” (5). If people did not lie then they know that their relationships with friends are based off of facts and not manipulated information. However most relationships are not perfect and some relations might even end if everyone did not withdraw information to one another.The article also says that, “‘But it’s just as likely that you’ll end up losing people whom you don’t want around you anyway’” (15). But if people be honest to each other, they might lose people that they actually want in their lives. Being honest is good but if one is honest they are very likely to offend people and lose friendships in the end. In conclusion, Blanton says that telling the truth can help a relationship with a friend as well as saying that lying keeps people locked in their own minds however relationships can never be perfect and if people were honest they might lose their…
“Liar liar pants on fire” is a common saying. People tell lies every day. Humans learn to lie at a very young age and continue lying throughout their entire life. People lie to get out of trouble especially kids. Humans are driven by money and industry. For instance, in media and advertising they lie and exaggerate about their product just to get others to buy it. Lying is just another part of life along with…
Boorstin also says that, “Dissent is the great problem of America today.” That reminded me of the book that we read over the summer, The Lord of the Flies. Jack and Ralph show dissent by nearly killing each other, never finding a common ground on how to run the island, and they can never just talk to one another. There always has to be something that’s said through another character, and soon gets back to the other character. They’re arguing never got them anywhere, and that’s why that example is an example of dissent.…
Being raised in the Capitalist system based on competition, we were taught that it was fine to tell lie. Some argued that it was fine to lie when it is a death and live matter, others may argue that it is o.k to lie if it doesn't hurt any one. On my personal level, I don't feel it is morally comfortable to lie to anyone. Because of the society we live in is filled with lies and mistrust doesn't mean we, as the newest generation should learn to lie. Instead, I want to live in a lie free life.…
At a young age our parents taught us to always tell the truth and never to lie. Although, telling the truth is the morally correct thing to do, I believe there are scenarios when lying is acceptable. One should not make a habit of lying, but know when the right time and the right place is to lie. Lying for the greater good to spare someone’s feelings, to keep a child’s innocence, or to even save a life are just a few examples when I think lying can be tolerated.…
lying is never allowed because it makes a person less of a human bean.We can't always pick honesty without compromising some other value that might be as important says Depaula.Maybe you have never told a lie and a person needs your help you might have to lie to help the person and that makes you less of a human bean.People have this idea that lying is not ok maby u may have to lie to help someone get out of a problem or situation.In addition lying is never ok unless a person needs help to get out of a problem.Lying to protect others can litrely be a matter of life and deth.When You need to lie it should be a good reason.Lying can only be used if its for a good reasion or to hep someone get out of a problem.…
A lie is a lie, but did you intend to harm someone or benefit from the lie you told? Honesty is crucial to living a life full of goodness, a life where you don’t intend to…