Everything in today's life is instant, virtual, digital, satellite, cable, etc. You get my point, right? Anything that isn't instant, virtual or digital can still be purchased on EBay from anywhere on earth that will receive a signal. There's no turning back now. The only thing that will wipe it all out is a nuclear war, and personally, I think that North Korea is all talk, but that's another story. Technology is advancing at a pace faster than Haley's Comet. Every time I think I have the latest, greatest gadget on the planet, by the time I get it home, before it's even opened, something better is being put on the same shelf that my gadget came from. The digital age; break-neck pace at a reasonable price, instant gratification, even
Everything in today's life is instant, virtual, digital, satellite, cable, etc. You get my point, right? Anything that isn't instant, virtual or digital can still be purchased on EBay from anywhere on earth that will receive a signal. There's no turning back now. The only thing that will wipe it all out is a nuclear war, and personally, I think that North Korea is all talk, but that's another story. Technology is advancing at a pace faster than Haley's Comet. Every time I think I have the latest, greatest gadget on the planet, by the time I get it home, before it's even opened, something better is being put on the same shelf that my gadget came from. The digital age; break-neck pace at a reasonable price, instant gratification, even