Between the years 200 BCE and 1450 CE Eurasia saw some of the most dramatic changes we have record of throughout history. Empires rose and fell, territories were invaded, and lands were conquered. Religions were created, and traditions were started. Throughout all the chaos that change brings about, there was one constant, The Silk Roads. They connected all of Eurasia, and were a key component in the cultural and economic development of the continent. Throughout the millennia they were in use, the success and use of the Silk Roads depended on the prosperity and the state of the empires it ran through.…
Although the silk road and the Indian ocean trading network both diffused religions,technology,and the transfer of goods. However the silk road supported a strong state for defenses, primarily traded in luxury goods that did not benefit the common man, different religions diffused on each of the trade networks as well. The indian ocean network on the other hand dealt in the trade of bulk goods such as timber and spice’s. The indian ocean network was also never controlled by one large group. The Indian ocean network was often not considered a relay trade where one group gave the goods and the other side received them,but on the silk road the trade was continued one group gave goods to another and then they traded that for something else with…
The place I was most eager to visit was the great wall of China. I didn’t know where the great wall of china was, but I figured i could get to it by traveling along the silk roads. When I arrived at the silk roads I was surprised to see so many people of different nationalities .There were Greeks,Indians, romans, egyptians, and even British merchants all trading on the silk roads. I saw them trading numerous products such as silk, wine, furs, and spices. Most of the traders went in large groups because smaller groups were easy targets for…
One of the world’s largest and flourishing arrangements of trade came from Eurasia. It is know as the Silk Roads, this is a land based trade system and these routes have connected agriculture and pastoral people. Along with big civilizations on the continent’s border. No one knew the length of the networks’ of trade, it was a “relay trade” which is when goods are passed down the border. The Silk Roads began by blossoming in the early centuries, they provided safety for merchants and travelers, a large array of good made its way across the roads.…
The Silk Road was a trade route, beginning in China and created during the Han dynasty, which facilitated trade throughout Eurasia. The Silk Roads stretched all the way to the Mediterranean, and goods from places such as Rome and even Africa were traded along the roads. From 200 BC to 1450 BCE, the patterns of interactions along the Silk Roads changed with the spread of religions and the rise and fall of civilizations, but maintained continuity with the goods traded along its routes and its main purpose.…
Buddhism and Christianity also changed along the Silk Roads. Even with all of this change, the main purpose and continuous flow of the Silk Roads still stayed the same. Many changes in patterns of interactions took…
The Silk Road began in eastern Asia around 200 B.C.E. From there, it expanded and flourished over the next few centuries until it became outdated and fell to trade by sea. Stretching from China to parts of Western Europe, it was the most important trade route of its time. The economic system, goods traded, technology, religions prominent, and people in power varied over time. However the importance of silk along with other spices, the spread of ideas as well as disease, and the continuous diffusion of culture remained the same. Many subtle transformations and changes occurred during this era, but the road still upheld its original purpose through it all.…
One significant changes of the Silk Road is that it became a new way to spread different cultures across Eurasia.When it was first started it mainly started as a way for trade to flourish between Europe and Asia. But the purpose of this Silk Road has also expanded to transcend different culture and technologies from different places and caused cultural diffusion along the Silk Road. This happened because the Silk Road has more than one route, some ends in the middle east , west Asia, and Europe.The people along these routes would often interact spreading their culture and technologies.…
The Silk Road is not one large road that connected the Mediterranian to East Asia, but instead it is multiple interconntected trade routes that connected multiple worlds through land and sea. The Silk Road did not just connect China to Europe, it connected many areas that contributed to selling their goods that would travel to other places like Japan, India, and Egypt. Sometimes goods would travel on ship through the Arabian Sea, the South China Sea, and the Medditteranian. The Silk Road connected East, South, Central, and West Asia to India, Europe, and Africa. It is so vast that it covers about 4,000 miles from Europe and China (, 2010).…
The Silk Road was a trade route for the merchants and for the transport of goods and ideas that connected world long ago. At times, the Silk Road could be extremely dangerous. According to, some of those dangers were death from starving, extreme thirst, being attacked by bandits and sandstorms. The nomadic Mongols lived in the areas that a certain merchant, Marco Polo, visited. In those areas, Mongols were extremely militaristic, campaigning near the same routes that Marco Polo was taking. The Mongols were rulers of vast territories, and they ruled this way by involving those that were of different ethnicities into their government and military. Looting was a very popular practice for the Mongols who were fighting to gain riches. Also, the nomadic Mongols lived in houses called yurts, which were tent-like, so they could be moved around as the Mongols wished. (As a side note, some people in the United States are downscaling and living in tiny houses. Some of these people now choose to live in yurts, which have been around since the time of the Mongols.)…
wanted to keep her readers intrigued and she did a great job at that. Although, throughout the…
The main focus, or thesis, of this article was similar to the likes of Andre Gunder Frank and Barry Gills; that the trans-civilizational and, less understood, trans-ecological exchanges along the Silk Road linked all regions of the Afro-Eurasian landmass- agrarian civilizations, the woodland communities to the north and steppe pastoralists- into a single "world-system" of trade that is several millennia old. Among these exchanges across cultures were goods, yes, but also ideas, technologies, languages and cultural/ religious motifs. These exchanges are argued to have been taken place much earlier than previously thought and, in turn, the Silk Road as well. Many archeological and written evidence of this was given, like that of the trans-ecological routes that crossed the arterial trans-civilizational routes from China to the Mediterranean and linked regions of pas toralism with regions of agriculture. They were older than the arterial routes, and were always integral to the functioning of the Silk Roads. The article's focus on the trans-ecological branches of the Silk Road also suggested the need for a revised account of Silk Roads history. It suggested, first, that the Silk Roads originated deep in prehistory. Second, it suggested a different account of their functioning in the classical era, having been taken under control of many peoples. Third, it explained profound changes in the nature of Inner Eurasia's ecological geography. This article's purpose was to tease, with valid evidence and arguments, that the Silk Road we thought we knew, is actually much older and covers more landmass than thought before.…
Analyze the changes and continuities in patterns of interactions along the Silk Road from 200 B.C.E to 1450 C.E.…
From 200 B.C.E. to 1450 C.E., the Silk Roads was extremely important in connecting the empires of the east to the empires of the west. While goods were traded along these routes, the empires and people tied to the Silk Roads changed over time. The Silk Road’s constant trading of goods allowed new technology and religions to be dispersed throughout the east and west during this time frame, and not only did the ideas that travelled the Silk Roads change but also the empires that controlled it.…
Although she never came to America, her book was published and widely spread among many states. She thought that people will understand her ideas better if she published what she had to say…