Sent by Allah as His last messenger,
Brought the Quran .
He is a model of how people could live by its teachings.
He struggled against persecutions and difficulties.
Early years in Makka
Born in Makka in CE 570.
Most important tribe of thetime was theQuraysh of Makka.
Makkans worshipped dods and godesses.
Themain CE ntre of worship was theKabah.
Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh)s motHer was Amina and fatHer was Abdullah.
Thetribe He was born to was theQuraysh tribe.
His fatHer died before His birth and motHer died when He was 7.
He was an orphan from a very young age.
Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) was nursed and cared by a Bedouin woman, Halima.
After themotHers death, His grandfatHer looked after him, tHen His uncle Abu Talib.
Abu Talib was a merchant so Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) travelled with him.
At theage of 12 Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) was questioned by a christian monk, Bahira who claimed that Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) is theProphet (pbuh) of Allah.
During His youth He was a shepherd in theArabian Desert like theotHer Prophet (pbuh) s, Hazrat Ibrahim and Hazrat Musa.
He was extremely honest and fair in His dealings.
His honesty resulted in giving him thetitle of Al-sadiq (thetruthful) and Al-Amin(thetrustworthy)
25 years old.
Hazrat khadija 40 years old, 15 years older than him.
Hazrat Khadija Herself sent a proposal for marriage after recieving a complimentary account of thejourney she had send him for Her buisness and was very impressed by it.
He accepted theproposal and got married in CE 595.
They had two sons and four daughters.
In His younger days the Kabah was being repraired. The Hajr-al-Aswad, the Black Stone needed to be replace d in one of thewalls. There was a argument amongst theMakkans on who should the Black Stone. It was decided that whoever enters the Kabah first will decide. TheProphet (pbuh) was theone who entered first so He decided that theMakkans could lift