Term Paper submitted to
For Course No. ENG 521
During the Second Semester of the MA (CSS) Programme
Prijith P K
Institute of English
University of Kerala
A diplomat or a civil servant and a literary figure Duncan Campbell Scott, famed in both fields, but his personal life was not success as much of his career.He is mysterious as the Arctic – the land od mystery and struggle. Scott criticism rnakes a rich and complex subject to examine in terms of remembrance/pedagogies of colonial history because of Scott 's location in two arenas of public life in Canada - the federal department of Indian Affairs, where he held the top position for nearly two decades (1 91 3- 1 932), and the literary world of post-Confederation Canadian poetry. Scott was most well known as a poet and literary writer. He was canonized arnong a handful of pets who came to prominence in the 1890s, a group comprised of Charles G. D. Roberts, Bliss Carman, Archibaid Lampman and Scott. Along with his contemporaries, Scott 's poetry has been read through discourses of culnual nationalism. For example, he was heralded as "the unofficial poet laureate of Canada" when he died in 1947 (Cullingham 1995), and was later called "one of the ancestral voices of the Canadian imagination" by Northrop Fxye. The 'Nets of the nineties," as they were known, were later called the "poets of the confederation ' ' by critic Malcom Ross (1960). According to Ross, he designated them poets of the confederation not because they were "avowed and self conscious prophets of the new Canadian nationalism" As a contemporary critic has noted, "nationalism has always been part of the cultural air that Canadian writers and critics have breathed. This desire to identify a distinctively Canadian literature has its origins in the widely prevalent assurnption that every self-respecting nation ought to have its own linguistic and
Bibliography: Chater Nancy, “TECHNOLOGIES OF REMEMBRANCE: LITERARY CRITICISM AND DUNCAN CAMPBELL SCOTT 'S "INDLAN POEMS"Toronto, Toronto UP.1999-web "Duncan Campbell Scott." UBC Wiki. 4 Jan 2012, 21:31 UTC. 6 Aug 2013, 20:44 . Wikipedia contributors. "Duncan Campbell Scott." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 14 Jul. 2013. Web. 6 Aug. 2013-web.