The experience of the AIAS American Institute of Architecture Student was incredible. It has had an enormous impact on me in many ways, changing the way I look at the world and connecting me with people and events far beyond my formerly limited experience. I am extremely glad to have had this opportunity. It was a wonderful experience on multiple levels. It challenged me and expanded me intellectually and socially. I feel that this experience has had an immense impact on me.
Through this program I had first-hand access to some of the brightest young man in both the United States and the world. The sharing among students of ideas and experiences in architecture, and in other areas as well was great. I felt like I had the chance to absorb knowledge from those around me. We had access to incredible faculty who were able to give much to the experience and share their own architecture insights. The program also brought in speakers and other architect professionals from around the world who were at the top of their respective fields. This festival gave me real access to the movers and shakers of the architecture world, an experience that will be unforgettable.
The most exciting part of this experience, for me, was the exposure to new cultures. For example many cultures have many different ways of looking at the forthcoming issues surrounding the urban architecture. There was an interesting group dynamic as culturally mixed groups strove to collectively complete group projects. The cultural sharing in architecture went beyond how questions were answered to how they were asked to which questions were most important and even which questions were asked.
This program exposed me to different types of cultures in a way I had never thought possible. Staying in Washington, even for only a week, and being mixed with students from around the world brought me face to face with cultures I had never before truly experienced. Students