By Angela Arnold
Mar 20, 2010
What is a life coach?
It is the responsibility of a life coach to help develop their clients so that they can move towards accomplishing their goals. At some point many of us may wonder if our dreams will ever come true. Do you want to get a better job? Would you like to build better relationships with your friends and family? What are the things you truly value in life? Well, a life coach can help you clarify your goals. A life coach can really help make things happen for you.
If you're wondering whether a life coach is really for you, consider a survey conducted by the International Coach Federation. The survey included 210 coaching clients who had been coached for an average of 9 months. Results of the survey showed that 98.5% of …show more content…
How can a life coach help me?
Well, there are too many benefits of life coaching for me to list here, so I will mention just a few.
A life coach will help you look deep within yourself for the answers that are already inside of you.
With the help of your life coach, you will develop a plan of action to achieve your goals. In addition, your coach will hold you accountable for sticking to your plan and accomplishing the goals you set.
Your coach will help you set realistic, success-oriented goals. With these goals in mind you can make smarter decisions and act on them, which will keep your life in balance.
You can share your inner-most thoughts and ideas with your coach without fear of being judged. Working in an environment where you are free to speak without being concerned about what others think will build your confidence. The safe environment and the rapport between you and your coach will allow you to overcome any emotional roadblocks to achieving your