How To Be Happy In Life Essay
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ESL 112-03 October 04, 2010
How to Be Happy in Life
Happiness is a state of mind or feeling characterized by contentment, love Satisfaction, pleasure, or joy. The first step towards moving into a happy state is to understand
That happiness is something we need to learn. For some reason, school teaches everything but happiness.
Use the "school of life " to practice happiness and remember that your "choice muscle" needs to be Active all the time. If you want to be happy, you should smile a lot, laugh, hug, meditate, be kind,
be grateful, get a move on, and act like a child.
Singing works just like smiling, sing in the car and, in the shower. Much like smiling, laughter is a great way to overcome physical and emotional challenges. If
It does not happen naturally, try laughter therapy. Hugging is a way to give and receive
Happiness and positive physical touch. In addition, you can do physical
Activities like dance, yoga, and sports. When in doubt, choose happiness over being right.
Find a way to relax and be comfortable, like listening to music, using crystals, or repeating
A mantra. Creativity is a great way to find happiness. Think of creative things people do for
A living or as a hobby. Tap into your creative ability and find your “happy spot”. Happy
People have
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