Americans were experiencing a split in society in 1969 from both domestic and foreign issues, the events of this time ultimately affects the public's view of their government. In 1969, the foreign Vietnam war as well as the civil rights movement created a change in society that was displayed by music and a change in culture. The recent actions taken in vietnam by the johnson administration, as well as Nixon's first year in office, created split in society relative to the civil war. This split in society was between hippies or other pacifist groups and the silent majority of war supporters.
The increasingly prominent civil rights movement was contributing to a rise of racial tensions at this time; specifically in southern …show more content…
President Eisenhower and other american military advisers saw Vietnam as a key stone to the spread of communism in southeast asia. President Kennedy sent 3,000 advisers to south Vietnam in 1961, of these advisers 600 of which were CIA agents on deep cover missions in foreign governments. President Johnson accelerated the draft and by 1968 there was over half a million american soldiers in South Vietnam. President Johnson and Military generals disregarded an official report of the Vietnam war done by the CIA. Reports from multiple sources reveal serious doubt upon America's ability to win the war. However, Johnson reported the war optimistically and soon ending to the american people. Johnson's misleading of the american people is exposed in the later published “parliament papers”.1969 was the first year the amount of troops in South Vietnam decreased. Media war correspondents created a “credibility gap” between the actual events and the government's report of that event. The Vietnam war lost considerable public support after the Johnson Administration, citizens and soldiers asked themselves how the US had gotten involved and what they were actually doing there. President Nixon won the ‘68 election with his policy of “Vietnamization” or gradual withdraw of troops from south Vietnam. The Vietnam war left behind a dark legacy of a lost war to americans as