The mass consumption of cars, appliances and even clothing and food companies were often very dependent on the work of advertisers. Magazine companies allowed companies to connect with the consumers often time it was the middle class. The ads were most of the time colorful and eye drawing; sometimes they could even be provocative. Quickly the advertisements became a part of American …show more content…
Prohibition banned the manufacture and selling of alcohol. This meant that all taverns, bars, and saloons had to close. But Americans found a loophole to get alcohol they began stockpiling all the alcohol they could get their hands on, since the law didn't say anything about consumption, just that you can not make or sell it. They also went to places called speakeasies where criminals gave people alcohol. One famous gangster who was apart of this was Al Capone. Capone made big bucks making and selling alcohol illegally. Even though Congress had good intentions there was no way to consistently enforce these laws. Even though women were so for Prohibition, they also were very active in trying to get it repealed. They argued that Prohibition raised the criminal rates, corruption of public officials and people just being flat out disrespectful of the laws that were in place. They also believed that it was becoming a serious threat to American homes and