There are very few positive youth development activities taking place in our neighborhoods. Youth are often misled to join gangs only to then realize that it is not a productive way to live their lives and earn an honest living. Unfortunately for many of them the realization happens once they have already been charged or convicted for a misdemeanor or a felony. Once they have gotten into trouble and are convicted for a crime, they have even less of a chance to get involved in anything that will enhance their development into healthy, responsible and productive adults. I know first hand how incredibly difficult it is to obtain employment with as much as a misdemeanor on record.
I have met numerous young men with a wealth of knowledge and life experience. If someone would just give them a chance, they could leave the past behind and move on to become responsible citizens. In spite of that, they are unable to get passed a job application. They are not given an opportunity to work and earn a living. How discouraging is that. We ought to be interested in CORI reform and supportive of youth-driven programs that prepare youth to make proud choices and gives them a sense of belonging and ownership before they