Life in Italy in the 1930’s caused difficulty to some Italians during that time period. During the 1930’s a large number of Italians who had opposed the fascist rule of Benito Mussolini arrived in the United States. After the news spread in Italy about the bombing of Pearl Harbour almost all Italians supported the war against Benito Mussolini. At this point, Italy was slowly becoming under the Nazi rule, the significance of a woman’s role in Italy was emphasised as they were expected to accept the fascist ideology. Girls were expected to get married and conceive lots of children. Many young women in Italy felt the pressures of politics that were dominated by men and felt that women’s rights were disappearing as they were expected to carry out these tasks. Before the 1930’s, Mussolini launched his battle of births in 1927 which was a campaign that encouraged the people of Italy to increase their family sizes.
Mussolini felt as though the population in Italy was too small, he encouraged this idea to women so that the more children they had the better tax privileges they would receive, an idea Hitler was built on. A programme was set out in the early 1930’s were families were given a target of conceiving 5 children. Mothers who produced more were warmly received by the Fascist government. Mussolini greatly wanted to increase the population of Italy to 60 million by 1950. The programme was successful in its early years however, the Battle of Births was a failure because as the population grew there was a lack medical aid as the elderly population was growing at a fast rate. Due to this problem, the birth rate actually decreased between 1927 and 1937.
Many adults opposed the education system Mussolini had placed for the children of Italy; those who opposed him were dealt with harshly. Democracy was very much limited under the rule of Mussolini. Mussolini understood the importance of the children of Italy as they were the Fascists of the