The movie is based on the award-winning novel of the same name by Yann Martel, Life of Pi. It follows the remarkable story of a young man; Piscine “Pi” Molitor Patel who finds himself lost at sea after his family’s cargo ship sinks in a storm. But Pi is not alone on this journey and must survive in a crowded life boat with four animals from his family’s zoo—a hyena, an orangutan named Orange Juice, an injured zebra, and worst of all, an adult Bengal tiger named Richard Parker.
I felt the book was better as it offered much more than the movie. It was more detailed, more religious and more specific about events. The movie on the other hand focuses on the beauty and the special effects. The book uses careful and cleverly crafted language to reveal Pi's unique perspective.
There are quite a few differences between the book and the movie:
A. Richard Parker
Pi’s relationship with Richard Parker varies greatly between book and film. In the movie, Richard Parker is extremely aggressive and while Pi manages to survive with him for 227 days, he never manages to tame the tiger
The book, on the other hand, shows that Pi is very knowledgeable about animals from his time at his father’s zoo. He is very cautious around Richard Parker, but he quickly asserts himself as the alpha male and marks his territory on the boat.. On multiple occasions, Pi also notices Richard Parker making a sound known as prusten—a noise big cats makes to show they are not aggressive.
B. Pi loses his mind
Towards the end of the book, Pi loses his vision when he runs out of food and fresh water and he begins to have a conversation with a voice he believes belongs to Richard Parker. The two discuss their favorite foods, and it becomes clear that Pi is losing his mind. He then has an unlikely encounter with another man who is stranded at sea. Desperate for food, the man attacks Pi but he is killed by Richard Parker.
The sequence didn’t make the film and