The first stage of Maslow's Hierachy of Needs is Physiological. This deals with the basic requirements for any human to survive, for example: breathing, food, water, clothing, and shelter. Pi had all of those things when he lived in India. He helped his dad with the Pondicherry Zoo and ate as much as he wanted. He had food, water, clothing and shelter as well. But it wasn't until his family traveled on the Tsimtsum to Canada, that everything he used to have, felt very far away. The Tsimtsum sank, and Pi now had to figure out how to survive without it being handed to him. …show more content…
This deals with a human being absolutely sure that they are safe and secure, no matter what happens. When Pi was lost at sea, he did not feel safe at all. For one, he was in the Pacific Ocean, underneath tons of hungry sharks waiting to eat him up, and also he had animal passengers on the boat with him. The crew included a hyena, an orangutan, a zebra, and a Bengal Tiger. One might wonder how Pi survived which is very debatable and difficult to