So let’s get right to it!
LIFE OF PI is a fantasy adventure novel by Yann Martel, which was published in 2001, but earlier this year the movie called LIFE OF PI was released, and so far it has been getting really great reviews.
The movie is about a 16 year old boy named Pi, whose father decides to move to Canada, the teen boy sadly has to leave is home, friends and lover behind, but he promises to return.
Suddenly one night there is a storm, and the family is caught in it, a crew member on the ship throws Pi in a Lifeboat to safe his life, Pi then watches helplessly as the ship sinks, killing his family and the crew members.
After the storm, Pi finds himself in the lifeboat with an injured zebra, but little did he know that there another hidden creature with them on the boat, it was a massive humongous tiger named Richard Parker, (who knew tigers had names) long story short Pi and the tiger eventually create a friendship, and connection also they begin to care for each other.
The movie offers some really cool effects, and if you’re like me, you’ll be interested in the amazing 3D work, and the very interesting visual effects, there’s a scene where a fish jumps from the water, and jumps right out of the frame and it almost looks like the fish is jumping right at it. So that was one of my favorite scenes, but let’s continue!
So not only it’s a visual masterpiece but Life of Pi has a really good storyline, after watching the movie, I left with Goosebumps. If you haven’t seen Life of Pi you’re missing out on an astonishing movie.
Find out if Pi and his new friend survive!
Watch this this epic adventurous movie and go on a journey with Pi in the movie Life of