In How to Read Literature like a Professor, Foster also talks about allegories. The relationship between the tiger and Pi can be considered an allegory. A lot of the time spent on the boat is the classic fight of good vs. evil. Pi, seen as a naive child who could do no wrong, takes the role of the good character. Richard Parker represents the savage “dark side” and takes the role of evil. As the story progresses you see that each could not survive without the other. Richard Parker showed Pi that he could not have survived by being the sweet faultless boy who could not kill and eat a fish. Pi showed Richard Parker that he is inferior to Pi by training him and getting him food. The battle between the two at the beginning digressed to a mutual realization that good cannot always conquer evil and evil…
In laurence Gonzales' chapter in Deep survival "who lives, who dies, and why," Pi and Joe used a survival strategy that helped them throughout their quest, "he looked at himself, took responsibility, made a plan"(Page 173). In life of Pi, pi and his family were on a ship, and when Pi Was sleeping, the whole ship started to go down and his family died. He was the only one who made it out alive, and when he woke up he woke up in a boat where at first thought he was alone, but then saw there was a zebra, hyena, orange juice and under the cover the tiger, Richard Parker. Pi…
In Yann Martel’s Life of Pi, Piscine Molitor Patel illustrates the suffering of a survivor following a major traumatic event. After a cargo ship carrying a full zoo and all of Pi’s family sinks, Pi is left with a few animals and his thoughts to keep him company. While at sea, his supplies dwindle and he has to resort to extreme measures. These measures come into full effect when Pi’s boat leads him to another survivor. The characters of Pi and the other survivor, a French man, portray how the need to survive can force these survivors to resort to savage actions.…
The film Life of Pi explores the concept that discoveries allow man to access to a higher plane of spiritual and self-understanding. Through Pi’s strong connection with his multi-religious and cultural background, Ang Lee demonstrates his struggle between pragmatism and faith when he is stranded at the Pacific. For instance, Pi is enforced to disobey a tenet of his Hindu faith and hammer the dorado to death so that his predatory companion has something to sustain on. Yet his childhood sincerity that animals have souls and his exceptional sympathy for them bring about a sense of remorse .The saturated green colour and the accompanying diegetic sound portrays fish’s vicious slaughter and his pained expression having to disregard his culture - the Indian vegetarianism. To overcome this trauma, Pi associates the sacrifice of the fish as a mean of saviour using the symbolism of the legends about the Vishnu god in Hinduism “Thank you Vishnu for coming in the form of a fish and saving our lives”. Evidently, Pi’s childhood exploration of divinity alters when he finds himself in the middle of the ocean. Ingenuity and tolerance lies beneath his attempt to balance the reality and faith rather than primarily favour one side or the other .This change indicates that he becomes increasingly aware of his capability from co-existing with Richard Parker, facing starvation and near extinction. Insightfully, the film proposes that religion or reality is not entirely contrasting through his successful manipulation of the twos to stay consistently…
On the journey, the ship sinks and Pi finds himself alone in a life boat, adrift at sea. He soon discovers that he is not the only survivor, but shares his raft with an escaped hyena, an orangutan, a wounded zebra, and a 450 pound Bengal tiger, named Richard Parker. Although Pi is confronted with the dangers of these wild animals at sea, his extraordinary knowledge of animal behaviour, along with his faith and determination, allow him to survive, even after the other animals have fallen victim to the tiger’s predatory instincts.…
Darwin's theory—the survival of the fittest, emphasizes the fierce and somewhat ruthless struggle of survival among the species and the individuals. It is indeed true in most cases. But in Life of Pi, it describes a picture of human and animal's co-existence in a more harmonious way and proves that their struggle and contradiction are not so irreconcilable. In this movie, Pi was taught at his childhood by his father, that the animals, esp, the tiger, etc are not his friends. So at the first of the drift, Pi didn't intend to co-exist with the tiger. He had had the chance to kill it. But his virtuous nature didn't allow himself to do so. So he made the final decision to co-exist with this ferocious animal. He supplied the tiger with food and fresh water to survive so that he himself would not become the dinner of it. The threat to each other and the certain kind of peaceful co-existence helped them persevere to be saved at last. Even Pi himself admitted that "the fear of Richard Parker kept me alert. I wouldn't survive without Richard…
Pi sees Richard Parker as a companion and not an enemy. So, an emotional need of Pi is companionship and having a sense of purpose. “ It was Richard Parker who calmed me down. It is the irony of this story that the one who scared me witless to start with was the very same who brought me peace, purpose, I dare even say wholeness” (Martel 162). With this said, although Richard Parker may be the one that scared him witless the whole entire time, it kept him alert and gave him a purpose to keep living and stay true to his goals and faith. Next, Pi also needs something to keep his mind busy and sane. So, he creates a schedule. “I kept myself busy. That was one key to my survival. On a lifeboat, even on a raft, there’s always something that needs doing” (Martel 190). Every human needs something going on in their head because if not, they would be dead. Pi acknowledges that and creates a schedule for himself to keep him busy and sane. This goes along with the sense of purpose and not giving up on what he set himself to…
He planted a goat into the tiger exhibit and it very quickly reached down, snatched it up, and ate it. His dad said after, which you can find on page forty two of the story, “Tigers are VERY dangerous, I want you to understand that you are never, under any circumstances, to touch a tiger, to pet a tiger, to put your hands through the bar of the cages, or even get close to a cage.” Without that example, Pi and his brother may not have been able to learn that lesson. Our next example from his childhood is that Pi was always a very open-minded child, and he was always very optimistic and excited ( This could have affected how Pi stayed alive and his will to live. Without that kind of optimism, his life could have ended long before he would have ever seen shore. Before Pi was stranded on the lifeboat he had been…
In this quote, Pi is explaining how he made it through his journey on the lifeboat. It wasn’t his human nature that saved him, but his animal Richard Parker. The conflict Man v. Self appears in this passage. He has two sides, the innocent boy that he was before the ship sank, and his dark, animalistic side that will do anything to stay alive. Another theme going on in this passage is Man v. Nature. Pi has an animalistic side, Richard Parker, that comes out when only when he does something that is necessary for a means of survival. This passage also shows how there are two sides to Pi. One side was the innocent vegetarian one and the other side was the vicious, animalistic side he had. which came out when Pi was hungry. Richard Parker symbolizes…
This is where the beautiful allegory comes into play. On a surface level, Richard Parker is dangerous because of the simple fact he is a huge 450-pound tiger. He can physically harm Pi “limb to limb, organ by organ” (158) with his massive teeth and claws. On a deeper level, Richard Parker is metaphorically Pi himself. Martel allegorically comments on humanity and life here say that you are your biggest tempter. You must believe in yourself in order to pursue on in life’s journeys or else you have no reason to keep moving forward. Perhaps this is why Pi created the animal story. After telling the Japanese men the two stories, Pi asks them which story they preferred. They both answered “the story with the animals” (317). Why? The story with the animals is more pleasant and meaningful. It is easier to take in than the awful and blunt nonfictional story. Although on both literal and metaphorical senses Pi makes the archetypal decision to survive, in the story with the animals it is as if Pi has more of a purpose of living because of Richard Parker. He rationalizes that in order to survive he must tame Richard Parker so he will not eat Pi. In an allegorical sense, Pi has to tame himself to no eat away at this physical and emotional mind or else he will die. This gives him life in a sense. In one scene Pi and Richard Parker find themselves in a very intense storm. Pi describes the lightning they see and how “that close encounter with electrocution and third-degree burns as one of the few times during his (sic.) ordeal when he felt genuine happiness” (233). The reason he feels happiness is because the lightning represents life. It is as if a breathe of fresh air is overcoming him through lightning, and its beautiful. It gives him hope and inspiration. Through Richard Parker and “breathes of life” like the lightning Pi finally finds things worth living for which, through the help of God, keeps him…
In the novel, Pi is shown as a stranded boy on sea with all sorts of animals with limited amount of supplies. With animals such as a tiger and hyena, which are carnivorous in the same boat as other animals including Pi, the audience can assume that there will be some conflict among the group. At the end, its only Pi and Richard Parker (Tiger) left on the boat. In order to prevent himself being eaten by RP and remembering the advice his father gave him, he has to train RP and show that Pi is the boss around here and that he is…
1) The theme of “Lincoln” is that slavery is the cause of separation in America. By passing the 13 amendment, the Confederates would join the Union and the Civil war would cease.…
The catchy and unforgettable tune, “American Pie”, written and released by Don McLean in 1971, is a song that depicts not only negative and positive events of the 50’s and 60’s, but also his personal life during those years. One of the depictions, is that of the 1959 plane crash Clear Lake, Iowa. This specific plane crash was most notable known for being described with the everlasting title: The Day the Music Died. This titlement was the headline of the news published on February 3rd 1959. Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and the Big Bopper had all been killed during the crash. Coincidently, the pilot, Roger Peterson also died. The crash was sparked by the winter’s weather as well as the darkness. The plane was found in a cornfield near Clear…
In the quote “Without Richard Parker, I wouldn’t be alive today to tell you my story”. It’s talking about how Pi wouldn’t be alive and wouldn’t had made it through when he was on the boat without Richard Parker. This is strange due to the fact Richard Parker is a adult male tiger that weighs 450 pounds and takes up about a third of the life boat they share. But to fully explain why he thinks this we have to go back to the beginning of their journey together. When they first encounter each other Pi is scared half to death. But over the time they spend with each other they learn to work with each other. I believe that this quote his saying that although the presence of Richard Parker, though initially terrifying, eventually saves Pi from utter loneliness.…
"I looked Richard Parker dead in the eyes. Suddenly his brute strength meant only moral weakness. It was nothing compared to the strength of my mind Richard Parker licked his nose, groaned and turned away" (Martel 281). Without the mask that Pi had on, he probably would not have lived through the lifeboat experience. It had saved his life from being destroyed by Richard Parker by showing a fake side but enough to make the tiger leave him alone. "But enough was enough. I had suffered so much. I was so hungry. There are only so many days you can go without eating" (Martel 280). This is what drove Pi to come out and go out against the tiger; he was backed by his will to survive hunger. This is what had triggered the mask on him was the will to continue on in life and without it; he could have been stuck in Richard Parker's stomach. "Because it makes me feel, stronger, smarter, or better than the person I'm bullying." Richard Parker became the aggressor from this; he thought that he could beat Pi. What he did not know was Pi's will to survive was greater than Richard Parker's will to kill. "Because it's one of the best ways to keep others from bullying me." Which was one of the ways Pi had come to the though of intimidating his for Richard Parker. Pi did not want to be bullied around by Richard Parker because then he…